
Artist in Residence – Guest Journal by HanFei

Journal, Research and Development, Residencies

Artist in Residence – Guest Journal by HanFei

Artist in Residence – Guest Journal by HanFei

Hanfei is an Art Collective Group was based in ChengDu China, newly moved to UK in 2022. Their main practice is in Kinetic Art and sculptures. Their work connects and combines Kinetic Art with early/historic mechanics often influenced by traditional inventions that they have modernised and reinvented, primarily through metal and wood craftsmanship. The aim of their work is to provoke audiences of varying ages to transcend back in time to child-like playfulness and curiosity. Interaction with audience is a key element of their work therefore they try to create pieces that initially capture attentions, through the aesthetics (how it looks), kinetics (the movement) and mechanics (how it moves), which creates engagement.

HanFei Hero 3

During the Art Residency project Hanfei created a kinetic sculpture named ‘ whispering’ which takes inspiration from the Invisible Flock studio based inside of Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Emphasizing a dialogue between art and nature, it builds on their previous creative concept of  ‘Musical Typewriter NO 2.’ Here, forces of nature like wind and rain replace human keystrokes, creating a poetic dialogue between nature and humanity.

Hanfei Hero 2

The installation underscores the growing significance of our connection with the natural world, portraying it as a constant narrator and whisperer in our lives.

This kinetic sculpture is shortlisted for the 6th John Ruskin Prize 2024.

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