
Maan äänet

Current, Earthtones

Maan äänet

Maan äänet

Earth Tones mixes environmental data collection with technology to find new ways of representing hidden elements of nature and our fragile relationship to it.

Over a series of mapping journeys in Northern Finland we have been experimenting with different ways of capturing the land using new technologies, macro and micro, over days and seasons, deep under the peatlands, and high above rivers.  

What can technologies help us see, hear and experience that we cannot otherwise, what new perspectives do they give us to the land. 

This new work will result in a long form sound capture experiment and a major new installation.


Maan Äänet has been developed in collaboration with Curator Kaisa Kerätär and arts collective and researchers Subzero at the Oulanka Research Station.

The project has been developed during a Saari Residency with the Kone Foundation and is generously supported by the Finnish Institute London and Arts Council England.

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